Dockerizing a GPU program:

This is a hands on demo tutorial, showing how scikit-surgerydocker package could be used to dockerize the Python application. In this demo we are dockerizing stereo-recon-example program that needs a GPU on the host computer (computer running docker) and Nvidia Driver installed.

About stereo-recon-example program:

The program is modified code of keras-flask-deploy-webapp to make it work with the PSMNet model, and predict disparity maps from left/right images.

Preliminary requirements:

Before starting make sure that you meet the software and hardware requirement.

Software Requirements:

On Linux

On Linux, the software you need are.


To install Docker on Linux check here.

NVIDIA driver

You must have NVIDIA driver installed on the host machine according to the GPU model on your computer. To find the compatible NVIDIA and GPU click here.

NVIDIA Container runtime

The nvidia-container-runtime is an open-source tool that is needed by docker to use the hosts machine GPU. Run the following command to check whether nvidia-container-runtime is installed.

nvidia-container-cli info

If it is not installed then download and install it from here.

On Windows and Mac

Sharing GPU of host computer with docker is not possible on Windows and Mac till now. Therefore, this example will not work on Windows and Mac.

Hardware Requirements:

Make sure that GPU is available on the Computer running docker.

Step 1: Clone the projects

First step is to clone both the projects.

It is recommended to create a new directory.

# Make temp directory
mkdir temp
# Change directory to temp
cd temp

To clone scikit-surgerydocker:

git clone

To clone the project to containerize:

git clone --recursive

Now the temp directory will have the following structure

├── scikit-surgerydocker
|   ├── input_data
|   ├── output_data
|   └── src
└── stereo-recon-example
    ├── PSMNet
    │   ├── dataloader
    │   ├── dataset
    │   ├── models
    │   ├── trained_models
    │   └── utils
    ├── data
    │   └── synthetic
    │       └── calib
    ├── static
    └── templates

Step 2: Copy the code

Second step is to copy the application/algorithm code from your project (stereo-recon-example) to scikit-surgerydocker

cp -r stereo-recon-example/* scikit-surgerydocker/src/

Step 3: Copy the input data

Since this application needs data from front-end (web interface) therefore no need of specifying input data here. So no action needed here.

Step 4: Containerize the application

To containerize the project a Dockerfile is provided in the scikit-surgerydocker. The Dockerfile uses nvidia/cuda:11.1.1-devel-ubuntu18.04 i.e. Ubuntu 18.04 as base operating system along with Nvidia and CUDA software. On the base image Python 3.6.9 and pip 3 is installed. The pip utility is used to install the packages required by the app and mentioned in the requirements.txt. Please read the Dockerfile in the repo for further information. Feel free to modify the Dockerfile according to your environment.

This particular example needs ffmpeg, libsm6, libxext6 libraries installed in the Ubuntu 18.04, so you can install them in the image by adding the following line in # OS level dependencies section of the Dockerfile.

# Open the Dockerfile stored in scikit-surgerydocker
cd scikit-surgerydocker
nano Dockerfile

# Uncomment the following line (remove # at the start of the line.)
RUN apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y

# Save the changes and exit.

Run the following command to create a docker image with the name my-project-2.
Note: The following command will only work if you are in the directory where the Dockerfile is saved. In our case Dockerfile is in the `scikit-surgerydocker/’ root directory. Note: Please also make sure that Docker is installed and docker engine is running before executing the following command.

cd scikit-surgerydocker
docker build -t my-project-2 .

Note: Do not forget the trailing . (dot) at the end of the above command.

Run the following command to check that your docker image is created. This command will show all the docker images you have on your docker host including the newly created my-project-2 Docker image.

docker images

The newly created my-project-2 image will have the Python version “3.6.9” specified in the Dockerfile and the dependencies installed and finally the source code.

Step 5: Execution of image

After you have containerized your Python application, you can run it on your computer for testing before sharing with others.

The following command will create a new container from image my-project-2.

cd scikit-surgerydocker
docker run -p 5000:5000 --gpus all my-project-2 

In the above command,
my-project-2 is the docker image name.

-p 5000:5000 will expose port 5000 inside the container to port 5000 of the docker host.

--gpus all will use all the installed physical gpus used for running the application.

NOTE: The docker container will exit after running the script. It is normal for docker to stop the container automatically after executing the job.

Step 6: Access the front-end

If everything is working then after executing the command in step 5 the application should up and running. To access the application front-end, open the browser and go to address

Step 7: Upload image to dockerhub

To share the newly created docker image my-project we could make use of free service dockerhub. Following are the steps to upload the docker image to to dockerhub.

Compress image:

The following command will create a compressed .tar file of the image in the current directory by the name my-project.tar.

docker save my-project > my-project.tar

Upload to dockerhub

One of the docker registries where you can upload your created and compressed image my-project.tar is docker hub. You need to have an account on the dockerhub. To sign up to docker hub visit here.

  1. Create a free account on docker hub.

  2. Login to docker hub account online.

  3. Create a repository

    1. Give a name, better to give same name as image name e.g. my-project in our case.

    2. Give a description

    3. Click Create.

  4. Now on docker host login to your docker hub account from terminal by the following command and providing the password when requested.

# There are multiple ways to provide the password. I am using the environment variable one.
# First you need to create an environment variable and assign your password 

# Now run the following command to login to docker hub from terminal
echo "$MY_PASSWORD" | docker login --username <username> --password-stdin
  1. Now you need to tag your image with your docker hub login name.

    1. To tag the image, you need to know the image name

    2. After finding the ID you can tag the image

# To find the image name list all the images
docker images

# To tag the image with your docker hub login name
docker tag my-project yourdockerhubaccount/my-project
  1. Now you can upload the tagged image to docker hub. It will take time in uploading depending on the size of the image.

docker push yourgithubusername/my-project:latest

Now you can verify the image online in your dockerhub account.

Step 8: Clean the environment (Optional)

To delete all the containers and images on the computer to free-up space run the following commands.

NOTE: The following commands will delete all the images and containers so if you have any existing images or containers that you do not want to delete then do not run these commands.

To delete all the containers

docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)

To delete all the images

docker rmi -f $(docker images -a -q)