Replicable Results

From replicable reproducible, I mean the process where same analysis script but different data is executed and the results are qualitatively same.

About selected project

The same project Simplified Fet-reg 2021 which is used in repeatable reproducible is reused here.

The file contains an algorithm that reads .png images from a directory, process it and store the results in output directory.

python -m virtualenv env_reg
# On Mac & Linux
source env_reg/bin/activate
# On Windows
git clone
cd FetReg-2021
pip install -rrequirements.txt
python input_data output_data

The above command runs the algorithm on *.png images stored in the provided input_data directory. The algorithm perform the analysis and creates a seperate .txt file for each image. The text files are stored in the provided output_data directory.

Dockerize the Repo

Step 1: Clone the repo and change directory into it

mkdir temp
cd temp
git clone
cd FetReg-2021

Step 2: Create a Dockerfile (Remember D must be capital and no file extension) and store the following text.

touch Dockerfile

# open Dockerfike with any text editor
open Dockerfile

FROM mianasbat/ubuntu1804-py3.6-pip:latest
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 -y
RUN python -m pip install --upgrade pip
RUN mkdir /mnt/input_data
RUN mkdir /mnt/output_data
WORKDIR /opt/app
COPY . .
RUN python -m pip install -rrequirements.txt
CMD ["python3", ""]

Step 3: Build the image

docker build -t img_seg:v1 .

Step 4: Run the image

docker run -v "$PWD/input_data:/mnt/input_data" -v "$PWD/output_data:/mnt/output_data" img_seg:v4 python3 /mnt/input_data /mnt/output_data

# For windows add the / before both $ symbols
docker run -v "/$PWD/input_data:/mnt/input_data" -v "/$PWD/output_data:/mnt/output_data" img_seg:v4 python3 /mnt/input_data /mnt/output_data

Step 5: Now check the output_directory in the current directory to get the results.

cd output_data